
Congratulation to Athletic Director John Thompson National High School Athletic Coach Association Athletic Director of the Year
More About Congratulation to Athletic Director John Thompson National High School Athletic Coach Association Athletic Director of the Year

Please register your student for Brighton High School or Scranton Middle School sports teams at least two weeks prior to the first day or tryouts/practice, here: FinalForms. Upload a single-page sports physical signed and dated by the examining physician on or after 4/15/24. No hardcopy physicals will be accepted and all registration forms must be completed electronically by both the parent/guardian AND student. Each and every sports physical is carefully reviewed by BAS Athletics Administrators prior to approval.https://brightonarea-mi.finalforms.com/BHS Sports OfferedSeasonGenderSportFallBoys/GirlsCross CountryFallBoysFootballFallBoysSoccerFallBoysTennisFallCoedEquestrianFallGirlsCheer SidelineFallGirlsGolfFallGirlsPomFallGirlsSwim & DiveFallGirlsVolleyballWinterBoysBasketballWinterBoysBowlingWinterBoysHockeyWinterBoysSwim & DiveWinterCoedSkiingWinterCoedWrestlingWinterGirlsBasketballWinterGirlsBowlingWinterGirlsComp CheerWinterGirlsGymnasticsSpringBoysBaseballSpringBoy
Important 2023-24 Ticket Information
Good afternoon, I hope this finds all in our Brighton Schools family doing well and enjoying the summer! Fall Sports practices begin on August 7th at BHS with events starting up on 8/17/23. Scranton Middle School Fall Sports (Boys & Girls Cross Country & Girls Volleyball) begin on 8/21/23 & 8/28/23 respectively. With Fall sports starting around the corner we wanted to make you aware of an important change at the HighSchool level for game ticket prices and the purchasing of game tickets. At its last meeting in June the K.L.A.A. voted to increase high school game ticket prices to $6.00. This is the first increase in league ticket prices for any league that Brighton has been a part of for over the last 30 years. Additionally, as you are seeing across the nation, the league we will move immediately to electronic tickets for High School events. Many of you who have had students participating over the last few years know that thi
More About Important 2023-24 Ticket Information
Congratulations to Brighton Area Schools' Athletic Director John Thompson
Congratulations to Brighton Area Schools' Athletic Director John Thompson who was named the Michigan High School Athletic Director of the Year by the Michigan High School Athletic Coaches Association. https://www.whmi.com/news/article/john-thompson-named-athletic-director-year
More About Congratulations to Brighton Area Schools' Athletic Director John Thompson
Live Streams
Friendly reminder: If you can't make it to the game, some of them are streamed online here.
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Calculate Your Admissions Chances (Brought to you by CollegeVine)
Interesting News Headlines From Guests AuthorsSee where you stand in the competitive college application process. Explore your chances of acceptance at every college based on your extracurriculars, intended major, background and more. Calculate my chances
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Live Streaming
Boys Freshman FootballIf you can't make it to the game in person, you may find some of them are streamed here.
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